About Us
Our story is simple and probably like many of yours...
We Recently got a new puppy a little over a year ago. From the very beginning it was extremely challenging keeping our little angel out of our beloved cats litter box ( GROSS!) We tried laundry hampers, boxes, and other household items to try and block the litter room.
Another issue was the cats food!!! Apparently dogs like to eat cat food. So right there was another issue. So what did we do?! We realized we needed a cat door. Most of the ones we found online were not very flattering to our decor. So we hung door and made a Kitty Pass and the rest is HISTORY!
Now our kitty can go in and out of his cat room with ease. He loves his own private area protecting him from his puppy sister. We love it so much we added kitty doors all around the house so our cat can go in and out of the doors and do as he wishes.